Wide area network services

Dublin, Irlanti | The Office of Government Procurement
Julkaistu 4 vuotta sitten | 19.3.2021 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform (the ‘Contracting Authority’) is issuing this request for applications to participate (‘RFATP’) in a Dynamic Purchasing System (‘DPS’) as a central purchasing body (‘CPB’). The Office of Government Procurement (the ‘OGP’) is an office within the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform tasked with sourcing goods and services on behalf of the public service. References to the Contracting Authority will be deemed to include the OGP. The DPS will be co-ordinated and managed by the OGP with the assistance of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (‘OGCIO’).|| The Contracting Authority invites requests to participate (each an ‘Application’) from economic operators (each an ‘Applicant’) for appointment to a DPS for the provision of the services described in Appendix 1 to this RFATP (the ‘Services’).



Ilmoitusnumero 138212-2021
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Alueverkkopalvelut (72720000), Verkot (32400000), Lähiverkko (32410000), Tietoliikenneverkko (32412000), Teleliikenneverkko (32412100), Verkkokaapelointi (32421000), Verkkoinfrastruktuuri (32424000), Verkon tasonnosto (32428000), Puhelinverkkolaitteet (32429000), Alueverkko (32430000)
Sääntely Euroopan yhteisöt ja GPA-maat
Ilmoitustyyppi Dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän perustamisesta
Osoitetiedot The Office of Government Procurement
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