Transport services (excl. Waste transport)

Ipswich, Iso-Britannia | Suffolk County Council
Julkaistu 7 vuotta sitten | 14.2.2018 Määräaika: 2 viikkoa kuluttua | 11.2.2025 12:00 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

Suffolk County Council (The Council) is seeking suppliers for the provision of Passenger Transport Services. It intends to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the provision of its Transport Services with suitably qualified operators of Private Hire, Hackney Carriage, PSV/PCV and other appropriately licenced vehicles. The Council proposes to enter into contracts for periods of up to 5 years, dependent on the requirement, with options to extend. Such extensions will be at the discretion of the Council and subject to satisfactory performance. A combination of Lots/routes may be tendered. Suppliers can apply to join the DPS at any point during its lifetime, however applications will be considered in 2 Rounds. Round 1 for initial registration to the DPS is open between 12.2.2018 to 13.4.2018. Round 2 will open on 12.5.2018 and will remain open. The DPS will be open for a period of 5 years with the option to extend up to a further 2 years. We reserve the right to extend, shorten or terminate, in part or whole, any Lot or the entire DPS at any time giving 6 months’ notice. Interested Suppliers must complete a Selection Questionnaire (SQ) via|| Please log into Suffolk Sourcing and search CD1204, and request to participate by completing and submitting the SQ.



Ilmoitusnumero 067685-2018
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Kuljetuspalvelut (jätteen kuljetusta lukuun ottamatta) (60000000), Tieliikennepalvelut (60100000)
Sääntely Euroopan yhteisöt ja GPA-maat
Ilmoitustyyppi Ennakkoilmoitus, johon sisältyy tarjouskilpailukutsu
Osoitetiedot Suffolk County Council
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