The Development of Unit 10, North Park, D11 R761 – Document Storage Facility for the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland

Trim, Irlanti | Office of Public Works (OPW)
Julkaistu 1 päivä sitten | 22.10.2024 Määräaika: 9 tuntia kuluttua | 24.10.2024 12:00 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

Works include fit out of an existing industrial building to provide a new Document Storage Facility comprising of a combination of general document storage, archive document storage, open plan office accommodation and ancillary spaces. The building comprises of a total net internal area of approximately 3,510m². The racking installation will comprise of racking bays incorporating mezzanine floors at Ground and First Floor levels. Each bay will have box storage levels of varying widths and depths, to accommodate different size boxes, as per design drawings. The installation will incorporate steel staircases, all necessary safety handrails, and open grid flooring. PLEASE NOTE YOU MUST REGISTER AN 'EXPRESSION OF INTEREST' AND SUBMIT THE SAQ DOCUMENTS IN A ZIP FORMAT

Ilmoitusnumero 641484-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Rakennustyöt (45000000)
EUVL S 207/2024
Ilmoitustyyppi Hankintailmoitus (tarjouspyyntö)
Osoitetiedot Office of Public Works (OPW)
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