RF die probe station

Suomi | Tampere University Foundation sr
Julkaistu 2 viikkoa sitten | 9.10.2024 Määräaika: 4 päivää kuluttua | 30.10.2024 10:00 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

Tampere University Foundation sr is inviting tenders, procurement is 'RF die probe station', hereinafter 'Probe station'. The manual RF die probe station will be used primarily by the Microelectronics Circuits and Systems group at the Electrical Engineering Unit, Tampere University to measure and characterize the RF/mixed-signal integrated circuits (IC) design by the group. The probe station shall, in particular, enable the measurement of very high frequency RF circuits which are beyond the scope of a packaged measurement, like in the case of millimeter-wave transceiver prototyping, besides measuring other sensitive circuits. It will be used mainly for research conducted by the doctoral candidates of the group, and partly also for education in connection exceptional master thesis work. The equipment will be a crucial element in the measurement facility consisting of an electromagnetically insulated chamber. The Microelectronics Circuits and Systems group is also a part of three different research centers, namely the SoC Hub Research Center (https://www.tuni.fi/en/research/sochub-research-centre), the Wireless Research Center (https://research.tuni.fi/wireless/), and the Electronics Research Center (https://research.tuni.fi/erc/). Thus, the equipment may also be used for a wider scope of research related to these research centers.

Ilmoitusnumero 2024-149882
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Laboratoriolaitteet, optiset ja tarkkuuslaitteet (lukuun ottamatta silmälaseja) (38000000)
Ilmoitustyyppi Hankintailmoitus (tarjouspyyntö)
Aluekoodi FI197
Osoitetiedot Tampere University Foundation sr
33100 Tampere FI
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