Residential nursing care services

Peterborough, Iso-Britannia | Peterborough City Council
Julkaistu 7 vuotta sitten | 21.7.2018 Määräaika: 4 vuotta kuluttua | 30.9.2028 12:00 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

Peterborough City Council is commissioning residential, nursing and dementia Care Services.|| Peterborough City Council requires Providers of residential, nursing and dementia care to support vulnerable adults who have been assessed by the Council as having eligible need that could be effectively supported in a care home setting and have a legal right to live in a care home of their choice under the The Care and Support (Choice of Accommodation) Regulations 2014 Nº 2670 and any subsequent amendments.



Ilmoitusnumero 317703-2018
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Hoitokotien sairaanhoitopalvelut (85144100)
EUVL S 139
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Ilmoitustyyppi Ennakkoilmoitus, johon sisältyy tarjouskilpailukutsu
Osoitetiedot Peterborough City Council
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