Provision of Shuttle service for EUAA

Valletta, Malta | European Union Agency for Asylum
Julkaistu 2 päivää sitten | 17.9.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

The EUAA invites economic operators to participate in a survey questionnaire regarding the provision of transportation (shuttle) services for commuting of EUAA staff located in HQ in Malta and the locations where EUAA conducts its operations, i.e. the EU countries (e.g. Greece (including islands), Italy (including Lampedusa and other islands), Spain (including islands), Cyprus, Lithuania, Netherlands, Romania, etc.) to gather relevant feedback.

This survey questionnaire is a web based and is to be considered as preliminary market consultation (PMC).

The preliminary market consultation notice with the link to the survey questionnaire, to be completed through the EU Survey platform via link, is available on the EUAA website at and on the Funding &Tenders Portal.

Moreover, please refer to Annexes 1 and 2 of the preliminary market notice where estimations of EUAA needs are indicated and you can indicate the estimated price of services therein and submit the document to the EUAA via email:, with the subject line: EUAA/MLA/2024/OP/0008.

The completed survey with the replies must be submitted through the EU Survey platform and the Annexes 1 and 2 via email, no later than 14th October 2024, 23:00 h, CET.

In case of technical problems with the submission, the form can be downloaded and sent by email to, by 14/10/2024, 23:00 h., CET.

Ilmoitusnumero 561292-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Kuljetuspalvelut (jätteen kuljetusta lukuun ottamatta) (60000000)
EUVL S 182/2024
Ilmoitustyyppi Ennakkoilmoitus julkisesta hankinnasta
Osoitetiedot European Union Agency for Asylum
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