The contracting authority invites tenderers to a restricted tender contest for the establishment of a dynamic purchasing system for the procurement and leasing of official cars for Fredrikstad municipality.|| Currently, the contracting authority has an ongoing leasing agreement with DNB ASA. This agreement shall be used when entering into leasing agreements.|| The DPS applies for new procurements. This means that the existing agreements will be valid until they expire or are terminated. New agreements shall then be entered.|| There is currently no position on which vehicles shall be leased and which shall be purchased. It is highly likely that the majority of the vehicles will be leased. The contracting authority is free to select between leasing and purchasing. The contracting authority shall have the first option to buy out the vehicle at the buy-back price at the end of the leasing period.|| Click here
Ilmoitusnumero | 091182-2021 |
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit | Henkilöautot (34110000), Farmari- ja sedan-malliset autot (34111000), Pakettiautot (34136000), Kevyet pakettiautot (34136100), Rahoitusleasingpalvelut (66114000) |
EUVL S | 36 |
Sääntely | Euroopan talousalue (ETA) |
Ilmoitustyyppi | Dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän perustamisesta |
Aluekoodi | |
Osoitetiedot |
Fredrikstad kommune Fredrikstad |
Osoite, johon tarjoukset tai osallistumispyynnöt on lähetettävä | |
Liitteet | |
Lähde | TED |