Mapping the supplier market for the procurement of dairy products to Troms county.

Tromsø, Norja | Troms fylkeskommune
Julkaistu 3 viikkoa sitten | 28.10.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

Troms county needs a framework agreement for the delivery of dairy products to our canteens and schools. The contracting authority would like to enter into a framework agreement with one tenderer for this contract. In preparation for the competition, we would like to hold a market dialogue with relevant tenderers. We have the following questions to tenderers:1. We have previously learned that there is only one supplier who can deliver in a selection and extent that fulfils our need. Feedback is therefore wanted on whether there are several relevant suppliers who can deliver dairy products to the extent and selection that we need. See the attached draft of the requirement specifications and price form 2 for further description. The price form has an overview of products that we want in our standard assortment and that we would like tenderers to price. The tenderer ́s response to this will form the basis for the evaluation of the award criteria price. We would like a contract where the tenderer can also offer products that are not in the standard assortment but that naturally come under the mentioned categories, at a cheaper price. We request the tenderers ́ input on how we can best safeguard this wish, and other inputs to the price form.3. Troms County requires that we use our general contract terms when signing the contract, see annex. We would like feedback on whether it is the qualities of dairy products that make it necessary to change some provisions in the contract terms, in order to best safeguard the actual product group.4. The draft of the requirement specifications for the planned procurement is attached. We would like tenderers ́ input on any shortcomings in the requirement specification that can be of importance for the choice of supplier and the practical implementation of the contract. Tenderers ́ comments to the requirement specifications are to be noted in the yellow field in document.5. Troms county would like to have the highest possible environmental requirements. We would therefore like to map the market's maturity, including inputs on environmental requirements that are realistic. The feedback deadline is 13.11.24, 12:00.

Ilmoitusnumero 657387-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Maito ja kerma (15510000), Voi (15530000), Juustotuotteet (15540000), Maitovalmisteet (15550000), Elintarvikkeet, juomat, tupakka ja vastaavat tuotteet (15000000), Maitotaloustuotteet (15500000)
EUVL S 211/2024
Ilmoitustyyppi Ennakkoilmoitus julkisesta hankinnasta
Osoitetiedot Troms fylkeskommune
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