Limerick City and County Council – Ground Investigation Contract Limerick City and Environs Flood Relief Scheme Lot 1 (Packages A, D and G) and Lot 2 (Packages B, E and F)

Limerick., Irlanti | Limerick City and County Council_103432
Julkaistu 23 tuntia sitten | 23.10.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

The purpose of this Contract is to carry out ground investigation works that provides geotechnical information for the design of the Limerick City and Environs Flood Relief Scheme. Each package will involve ground investigation comprising all or some of the following: cable percussion boreholes, rotary core holes both open hole and with recovery, Cone Penetrometer Testing (CPT), window sampling, slit trenching, trial pitting, hand pitting, dynamic sampling, window sampling and geophysical surveying. The GI will take place along existing flood defences such as flood walls and embankments as well as areas where flood defence measures will likely be erected as informed by CFRAM or otherwise. Tenderers may apply for both Lots but in order to ensure that LCCC is not dependent on a single provider for both Lots, providers can only win one Lot. Therefore Tenderers must state their order of Lot preference as part of their tender submission. The scoring will determine the ranking in each Lot. Each Lot will be conducted as a separate, standalone and discrete tender evaluation, with no provision for discounted pricing for multiple Lots. However, LCCC reserves the right to award more than one Lot to any provider who has tendered for both Lots if there is no other identified preferred Tenderer in any Lot and that Tenderer can guarantee they have the capacity to service both Lots. Note: Service Providers are requested to only submit a tender if they are confident that they have the requisite capacity, suitably qualified staff, experience and expertise within their organisation to deliver on the works as outlined in the project documentation commencing in line with tender requirements on award of contract.

Ilmoitusnumero 647514-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Maaperän tutkimustyöt (45111250), Maaperän tutkimuspalvelut (71351500), Rakennustyömaan maastotutkimus (71510000), Tutkintapalvelut (79720000)
EUVL S 208/2024
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Osoitetiedot Limerick City and County Council_103432
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