Legal Services

Dublin, Irlanti | IDA Ireland
Julkaistu 21 tuntia sitten | 23.10.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

IDA Ireland requires the services of suitably qualified and experienced legal firms, to support the organisation through the establishment of a Multiparty Framework for Legal Services. The Framework is divided into two separate Lots: Lot 1 – General Legal Services; and Lot 2 – Property Legal Services Tenderers may submit a response for more than one Lot but must submit a separate Tender Response for each Lot they are tendering for. Tenderers must indicate in the accompanying Tender Response Documents the Lot(s) for which they wish to be considered. The Tender Response for each Lot will be evaluated separately and Tenderers may be awarded a place on the Framework Agreement for one or both Lots without any restriction. Full details of the requirements for each Lot are set out in the tender documents.

Ilmoitusnumero 645502-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Oikeudelliset palvelut (79100000), Oikeudellinen neuvonta ja edustaminen (79110000), Oikeudelliset neuvontapalvelut (79111000), Oikeudellinen edustaminen (79112000), Oikeudellisten asiakirjojen ja todistusten laadinta (79130000), Oikeudelliset neuvonta- ja tiedotuspalvelut (79140000)
EUVL S 208/2024
Ilmoitustyyppi Ilmoitus tehdystä sopimuksesta
Osoitetiedot IDA Ireland
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