The Council wishes to engage suitably qualified Public Service Vehicles (PSV) and taxi operators for the provision of Home to School transport and Local Bus Services. More detailed specifications and routes will be given at the time of further competitions as raised under this Dynamic Purchasing System.|| The DPS is a joint tender and will also be used by North East Lincolnshire Council. The DPS is separated into geographic and bus/taxi lots. Providers can request to participate in as many or as few lots as they wish.|| All home to school and home to college taxi services are for service users who are predominantly, but not limited to, children and young people with special educational needs up to the age of 25 years, going to various educational establishments within and outside of the Authority areas.|| The local bus services is to enable the Authority to expand the current public bus routes to give its residents greater access to public transport.
Ilmoitusnumero | 289907-2019 |
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit | Henkilöajoneuvojen vuokraus kuljettajan kanssa (60170000), Henkilöautojen vuokraus kuljettajan kanssa (60171000), Linja-autojen ja linja-autojen kaukoliikenteen vuokraus kuljettajan kanssa (60172000) |
EUVL S | 118 |
Sääntely | Euroopan yhteisöt |
Ilmoitustyyppi | Dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän perustamisesta |
Aluekoodi | |
Osoitetiedot |
North Lincolnshire Council Scunthorpe |
Osoite, johon tarjoukset tai osallistumispyynnöt on lähetettävä | |
Liitteet | |
Lähde | TED |