Health and social work services

London, Iso-Britannia | Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Haringey
Julkaistu 4 vuotta sitten | 31.8.2020 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

London Borough of Haringey (‘Haringey’) is establishing a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) to procure and commission home support service for vulnerable children between the ages of 0 and 18 years of age with various health care needs including but not limited to the following conditions:|| • frailty or long-term health conditions|| • physical disabilities and/or moving and handling needs or requirement for specialist equipment|| • learning disabilities including autism and/or behaviour which is challenging|| • complex health needs including life limiting conditions|| • cognitive impairments|| • sensory impairments|| • profound and multiple learning disabilities|| • mental health problems or mental illness|| • challenging behaviours|| • speech impediment (nonverbal).



Ilmoitusnumero 408209-2020
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Terveyspalvelut ja sosiaalitoimen palvelut (85000000), Sosiaalityön avopalvelut (85312000), Julkiset terveyspalvelut (85323000)
EUVL S 168
Sääntely Ei määritelty
Ilmoitustyyppi Dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän perustamisesta
Osoitetiedot Mayor and Burgesses of the London Borough of Haringey
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