The provision of domiciliary homecare services for children's and young people services, sufficient to meet the assessed needs of eligible individuals, is required in order for the Council to comply with its statutory responsibilities, as set out in the Children Act 1989, the Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000 and the Children and Families Act 2014. It is intended that the dynamic purchasing system (DPS) will help to grow the marketplace and be utilised when services cannot be fulfilled by providers on the Council’s existing framework. As a result, it will help improve the Council’s capacity to meet increasing demand for services, avoid delays in service delivery and minimise the need to ‘Spot Purchase’ provision.
Ilmoitusnumero | 068875-2020 |
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit | Terveyspalvelut ja sosiaalitoimen palvelut (85000000) |
EUVL S | 29 |
Sääntely | Ei määritelty |
Ilmoitustyyppi | Hankintailmoitus (tarjouspyyntö) |
Aluekoodi | |
Osoitetiedot |
Milton Keynes County Council Milton Keynes |
Osoite, johon tarjoukset tai osallistumispyynnöt on lähetettävä | |
Liitteet | |
Lähde | TED |