Framework agreement – Project manager and project manager support with competence on construction.

OSLO, Norja | The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration
Julkaistu 1 päivä sitten | 27.10.2024 Määräaika: 1 kuukausi kuluttua | 2.12.2024 09:00 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration invites tenderers to an open tender contest for a framework agreement for project manager and project manager support with competence on construction. The aim of the procurement is to cover the Contracting Authority's ongoing need for project managers and project manager support for construction projects of different sizes and extents. The need shall be met with a framework agreement with one tenderer. The framework agreement shall mainly cover the need for project managers with building engineering competence, but it shall and include the possibility for call-offs on other personnel with technical construction competence for minor consultancy assignments etc. These are referred to in the procurement documents as project manager support. The contract can be used by the entire organisation. The assignments performed under this contract will with a clear excess weight be related to projects at the National Arrival Centre (NAS), but it shall be possible to use the agreement for assignments at other properties that the Contracting Authority operates, such as the Western Camp in Finnmark.

Ilmoitusnumero 652788-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Insinööripalvelut (71300000), Insinööritaitoa ja rakentamista koskevat neuvontapalvelut (71310000), Rakennuksia koskevat konsulttipalvelut (71315200), Rakentamiseen liittyvät palvelut (71500000), Rakennustöiden johto (71540000), Projektinjohtoa koskevat konsulttipalvelut (72224000)
EUVL S 210/2024
Ilmoitustyyppi Hankintailmoitus (tarjouspyyntö)
Osoitetiedot The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration
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