ESG and entity information database

Suomi | Finnvera Oyj
Julkaistu 1 kuukausi sitten | 28.9.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

The objective of the procurement is 1) a ESG database providing information for identification of the potential ESG risk level, the nature of those risks, and the probability of severe environmental and social risks of both the country and business sector in the incoming application and the specific entity/company/site/project associated to a particular case we are screening and assessing. The database should also provide information for monitoring the cases Finnvera is involved in by having an ESG risk alert system. As a part of climate risk assessment and CSRD -sustainability reporting, Finnvera calculates and reports its carbon footprint including financed emissions based on GHG protocol and PCAF- standards yearly based. Therefore it would be desirable if database would also provide information about the carbon footprints and other relevant information to assess climate risks. 2) The other objective of procurement is an entity information database for the purpose to comply entity identification requirements set in the anti-money laundering regulations. In terms to database, this means to obtain information from reliable sources in order to identify customer and it´s ownership (incl. beneficial owners). 1. ESG database The objective of the procurement is an ESG database providing information for identification of the potential ESG risk level, the nature of those risks, and the probability of severe environmental and social risks of both the country and business sector in the incoming application and the specific entity/company/site/project associated to a particular case we are screening and assessing. The database should also provide information for monitoring the cases Finnvera is involved in by having an ESG risk alert system. As a part of climate risk assessment and CSRD -sustainability reporting, Finnvera calculates and reports its carbon footprint including financed emissions based on Ghg protocol and PCAF- standards yearly based. Therefore it would be desirable if database would also provide information about the carbon footprints and other relevant information to assess climate risks. 2. Entity information database The objective of procurement is an entity information database for the purpose to comply entity identification requirements set in the anti-money laundering regulations. In terms to database, this means to obtain information from reliable sources in order to identify customer and it´s ownership (incl. beneficial owners). Finnvera is also purchasing KYC database containing both entity information as well as "reputational risk information". But at Finnvera, we have recognized the need to identify companies from two separate origins (meaning different data service suppliers). Therefore, we are in this invitation to tender purchasing separate database to enhance our data resources. See separate invitation to tender "KYC database".

Ilmoitusnumero 2024-149546
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Datapalvelut (72300000)
Ilmoitustyyppi Oikaisuilmoitus
Aluekoodi FI
Osoitetiedot Finnvera Oyj
PL 1010 (Porkkalankatu 1) 00101 Helsinki FI
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