Environmental planning

Skopje, Makedonia | Government of North Macedonia, Ministry of Finance, Central Financing and Contracting Department (CFCD) Government of North Macedonia, Ministry of Finance, Central Financing and Contracting Department (CFCD)
Julkaistu 3 kuukautta sitten | 21.6.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

The purpose of the project is to prepare, review and align the key strategic waste planning documentation in the country, so as to deliver long-term policy measures which will allow all stakeholders to invest and develop the infrastructure and services necessary to align with the EU Acquis for waste management.



Ilmoitusnumero 367407-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Jäteanalyysipalvelut (79723000), Ympäristösuunnittelu (90712000), Ympäristöasioiden neuvontapalvelut (90713000)
EUVL S 120
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Osoitetiedot Government of North Macedonia, Ministry of Finance, Central Financing and Contracting Department (CFCD) Government of North Macedonia, Ministry of Finance, Central Financing and Contracting Department (CFCD)
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