Engineering works and construction works

Banjul, Gambia | The Sustainable Energy Services Company, Ltd. (SESCO)
Julkaistu 2 kuukautta sitten | 26.6.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

Design, manufacture, test, deliver, install, complete and commission PV solar energy systems across the Gambia for:|| Lot 1:|| - 11 large hospitals|| - 240 kWh / 100 kWp energy blocks|| - 240 kWh / 100 kWp per site|| Lot 2:|| - 88 health facilities|| - 10 kWh / 4 kWp energy blocks|| - 10 – 60 kWh or 4 – 24 kWp per site|| Lot 3:|| - 429 schools|| - 5 kWh / 2 kWp energy blocks (5 – 10 kWh / 2 – 4 kWp per site)|| - Regions 1 (Banjul Region), 2 (Western Region), and 3 (North Bank Region)|| Lot 4:|| - 394 schools|| - 5 kWh / 2 kWp energy blocks (5 – 10 kWh / 2 – 4 kWp per site)|| - Regions 4 (Lower River Region), 5 (Central River Region), and 6 (Upper River Region)



Ilmoitusnumero 377131-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Rakennelmiin ja teknisiin rakenteisiin liittyvät työt (45220000)
EUVL S 123
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Osoitetiedot The Sustainable Energy Services Company, Ltd. (SESCO)
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