Dynamic purchasing system: Leasing and procurement of new and used vehicles.

BØ I TELEMARK, Norja | Midt-Telemark kommune
Julkaistu 3 päivää sitten | 30.10.2024 Määräaika: 3 kuukautta kuluttua | 31.1.2025 06:48 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

Telemark Innkjøpssamarbeid (TIS) intends to establish a dynamic purchasing system for the purchase and leasing of new and used passenger cars and goods vans. The scheme shall also include the following options: Service contracts Repairs and the accompanying parts beyond the guarantee period Tyre hotel, tyres and tyre replacement Rental vehicle Collection and delivery of vehicles in connection with service, repairs etc. Other accompanying servicesThe dynamic purchasing system is divided into seven geographical zones. Tenderers can apply for qualification in one or more geographical zones as long as the qualification requirements are fulfilled. In order for a tenderer to be relevant for shooting in a geographical zone, the tenderer is required to have the delivery of vehicles and workshops in the geographical zone.

Ilmoitusnumero 665563-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Moottoriajoneuvot (34100000), Henkilöautot (34110000), Farmari- ja sedan-malliset autot (34111000), Sedan-malliset autot (34111200), Nelivetoajoneuvot (34113000), Muut henkilöautot (34115000), Käytetyt kuljetusajoneuvot (34115300), Hyötyajoneuvot (34144700)
EUVL S 213/2024
Ilmoitustyyppi Hankintailmoitus (tarjouspyyntö)
Osoitetiedot Midt-Telemark kommune
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