Dublin Airport – Residential Sound Insulation Grant Scheme (RSIGS)

Dublin, Irlanti | daa plc
Julkaistu 1 päivä sitten | 23.10.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

As part of daa’s commitment to our neighbours, it is proposed under a draft regulatory decision to deliver insulation measures to an estimated 400 homes, located around Dublin Airport.
This scheme as outlined would offer insulation measures to bedrooms only. The measures will be delivered as outlined in a Statement of Need that will be produced for each property by the acoustic consultant. The following measures will be considered:

a) Primary Acoustic Glazing;
b) Secondary Acoustic Glazing;
c) Glazing Roof Light;
d) Passive Ventilator;
e) Mechanical Ventilator;
f) Loft Insulation;
g) Ceiling Overboarding.

The daa have committed to delivering works equivalent to a maximum grant amount of €20,000 to each eligible home, and this will be delivered as sound insulation to property owners that decide to opt into the scheme. Each property will require a different level of insulation based on the current fabric of the building, and hence may not require the full grant value.

Ilmoitusnumero 645903-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Eristystyöt (45320000), Äänieristystyöt (45323000)
EUVL S 208/2024
Ilmoitustyyppi Ennakkoilmoitus julkisesta hankinnasta
Osoitetiedot daa plc
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