DO-24-02 Intention notice – procurement of a cloud based performance management tool

Oslo, Norja | Artifik AS
Julkaistu 2 viikkoa sitten | 5.9.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

Dovre municipality intends to enter into a contract with Framsikt AS for the delivery of a comprehensive system for economic analysis, preparation of the financial plan, budgeting, reporting, municipal plans and municipal performance management. The system shall meet the integration requirements, be adapted to municipal performance management and offer a system that provides efficient use of resources in the business management and reporting to both political bodies and inhabitants. Dovre municipality has carried out surveys in the market and it has not found that there are other systems on the market that solve the municipality ́s needs and requirements. Based on the Public Procurement Regulations §5-2, Dovre municipality intends to enter into a contract directly with Framsikt AS.

The contract is for the procurement of modules for Analysis, Economy Plan and Annual Budget. The contract also includes an option for a module for Reporting, Municipal plans, Business Plan, Politician and Personnel reports with sick leave.

Ilmoitusnumero 535569-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Ohjelmatuotteet ja tietojärjestelmät (48000000), Tilinpäätösanalyysi- ja kirjanpito-ohjelmatuotteet (48440000)
EUVL S 174/2024
Ilmoitustyyppi Ennakkoilmoitus julkisesta hankinnasta
Osoitetiedot Artifik AS
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