Dairy cream alternative

Suomi | Leijona Catering Oy
Julkaistu 2 päivää sitten | 15.3.2025 Määräaika: 4 viikkoa kuluttua | 14.4.2025 12:00 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

Leijona Catering Oy uses margarine as part of ambient product solutions. DCA is part of multiple different meals, which are usually served in operational field conditions. We are seeking a delivery contact supplier for a 2-year contract period (The contract remains valid after three (2) years initial period unless terminated with written notice). The delivery contract does not grant exclusive rights to supply the product in question. The supplier supplies the goods in large batches for Leijona Catering. Products must be portion packed and must fulfil the presented technical requirements. Estimated yearly volume is around 12 000 products. However, Leijona Catering is not obligated to buy any products from selected supplier. Leijona is allowed to purchase similar products from the selected supplier under this delivery contract. Leijona Catering Oy uses margarine as part of ambient product solutions. DCA is part of multiple different meals, which are usually served in operational field conditions. We are seeking a delivery contact supplier for a 2-year contract period (The contract remains valid after three (2) years initial period unless terminated with written notice). The delivery contract does not grant exclusive rights to supply the product in question. The supplier supplies the goods in large batches for Leijona Catering. Products must be portion packed and must fulfil the presented technical requirements. Estimated yearly volume is around 12 000 products. However, Leijona Catering is not obligated to buy any products from selected supplier. Leijona is allowed to purchase similar products from the selected supplier under this delivery contract. Required features of the product: Non-permitted ingredients: Lactose ("milk sugar”) Product must be shelf-stable at room temperature. Minimum shelf-life (from point of delivery): 6 months Product volume: 1L Fat percentage: 10%-20% The outer packaging must include standard consumer information in Finnish, Swedish, and English (optional). The product packaging must not contain any direct or indirect messaging unrelated to the product.

Ilmoitusnumero 2025-155051
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Elintarvikkeet, juomat, tupakka ja vastaavat tuotteet (15000000)
Ilmoitustyyppi Hankintailmoitus (tarjouspyyntö)
Aluekoodi FI
Osoitetiedot Leijona Catering Oy
Viestikatu 7 b 70600 Kuopio FI
Osoite, johon tarjoukset tai osallistumispyynnöt on lähetettävä
Lähde Hilma