Computer support and consultancy services

Oslo, Norja | Flytoget AS
Julkaistu 2 vuotta sitten | 22.2.2023 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

This is an expansion of the qualification system that was published 27.11.22 The qualification period was set incorrectly due to an inadvertence. Only the qualification period is expanded in this notice. Due to technical reasons the qualification system must be republished. Suppliers already qualified must only register in this version. New suppliers must be qualified.|| The Airport Express Train is currently in negotiations with the Railway Directorate on the traffic package 'Eastern Norway 2'. It is regarding this that the needs in this notice have arisen.|| We would like to establish a dynamic purchasing system for the procurement of IT resources in the form of consultancy services for individual persons on an hourly basis, or a team to solve major assignments.|| There will only be a contest when the Airport Express Train will procure a concrete service, in which tenders from suppliers will be requested.|| Click here:



Ilmoitusnumero 113064-2023
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Ohjelmiston integrointia koskevat konsulttipalvelut (72227000), Ohjelmistokonsulttipalvelut (72266000), Tietotekniset tuki- ja neuvontapalvelut (72600000), Kehitystoiminnan konsulttipalvelut (73220000)
Sääntely Euroopan talousalue (ETA)
Ilmoitustyyppi Dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän perustamisesta
Osoitetiedot Flytoget AS
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