Collaborative Delivery Framework

London, gb | Environment Agency
Julkaistu 2 päivää sitten | 24.10.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

The Environment Agency has sought delivery partners to collaboratively work with to provide or arrange for the provision of services (either itself or through its supply chain) to deliver (or the management of the provision or delivery through its supply chain) a programme of capital investment and improvement works for flood defence assets (both fixed and active) that delivers sustainable, best value outcomes across nominated geographical areas. Lot 1: Professional Services; Lot 2: Programme Delivery. Both lots will be split into 6 geographical areas and will operate within local collaborative delivery teams.

Increase in framework value only. The revised modified total framework will now be £2,250,000,000.
Since commencement of the framework, The Contracting Authority has been subject to following impacts:
1. An increase in overall Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management funding from £2.6 billion to £5.2 billion (circa April 2020) and launch of the Flood and Coastal Risk Management Strategy has impacted spend rates and requirement to work at pace on a larger programme. This has taken additional resource to ramp up to required levels to deliver spend and the FCRM Strategy.
2. COVID19 –both internal and external impacts to project delivery in terms of cost, time and resource availability. This has impacted both the time and support that has been required to ensure delivery and delivery partner stability.
3. Resultant recovery from COVID19, and inflation of costs due to global disruption factors, has contributed to greater expenditure against original framework values.

Ilmoitusnumero 649841-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Maa-, tie- ja vesirakennustöiden ja muiden rakennustöiden kokonais- tai osaurakat (45200000)
EUVL S 209/2024
Ilmoitustyyppi Lisätietoilmoitus
Osoitetiedot Environment Agency
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