B04.008.2024 Hiring capacity to execute the Internal Auditor Function

's-Gravenhage, Alankomaat | Invest International Public Programmes B.V.
Julkaistu 1 päivä sitten | 21.10.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

• Preparing a proposal for the Internal Audit strategy during the term of the Agreement (7 years).
• Maintaining the Internal Audit Charter.
• Preparing and applying the Internal Audit methodologies, including reporting formats.
• Preparing an annual audit plan based on a high-level risk analysis.
• Presenting an audit scope for every audit to be executed.
• Coordinating with the Contracting Authority's Director Risk & Compliance and with the management team regarding the annual audit plan including risk analysis.
• Attending the ARC/SB twice a year.
• Performing audits and discussing draft findings and recommendations.
• Preparing reports on audit findings and progress reports.
• Compile short annual report and a short report on work performed and results for ARC/SB meetings.
• Monitoring the completion and monitoring of the Contracting Authority's outstanding audit items.
• Perform 4 to 6 audits every year, covering the entire spectrum of Invest International. Organizing the Internal Auditor Function, including 4 to 6 audits per year

Ilmoitusnumero 639020-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Kirjanpito-, tilintarkastus- ja verotuspalvelut (79200000)
EUVL S 206/2024
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