Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services

Wicklow, Irlanti | Coillte CGA
Julkaistu 1 vuosi sitten | 22.8.2023 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

Request for Applicants to Participate in the Establishment of a Panel for the Provision of Land Sourcing and Establishment Services from 2023 - 2033. ALL APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA OUR SMS PORTAL PROACTIS - This is Stage 1 whereby any interested party may submit an application and be admitted to the panel for consideration at Stage 2. Coillte GCA proposes to establish a panel of qualified Forest Management Companies (FMC) for the provision of Land Sourcing and Establishment Services. Coillte CGA (the “Contracting Authority”) is issuing this request to participate (“RTP”) New entrants can be admitted to the Panel at any time during the term of the Panel, as stated in 4.1 below. Coillte reserves the right to request qualified suppliers to re-submit their request to participate (“RTP) at any time and to exclude suppliers from the Panel in the event that they fail to meet the qualification requirement of the Panel. The Contracting Authority invites requests to participate (“Applications”) from economic operators (“Applicants”) for appointment to the panel for the provision of the services described in 5.2 and 5.3 below. Formal agreements to provide such services are finalised at a specific site level following Technical Approval under the Afforestation application scheme process detailed in Section 6 (Payment Schedule). Duration of the Panel The panel will be established for (5) five years. With an option to extend for an additional 5 (five) years. Maximum validity term of 10 years. The panel will be continually open for access. Should the panel cease to operate, all members will be notified via Coillte’s Supplier Management System (SMS) Proactis. This will not affect the delivery of any contracts awarded under the panel. 4.1 Stage 1 in the Procedure This is the first stage of the procedure whereby all interested parties may submit a response, but only those meeting the selection criteria (qualification and experience) will be deemed eligible for inclusion on the panel.



Ilmoitusnumero 506411-2023
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Tutkimus- ja kehityspalvelut ja niihin liittyvät konsulttipalvelut (73000000), Maatalous-, metsätalous-, puutarha-, vesiviljely- ja mehiläistalousalan palvelut (77000000), Maa-, karja-, kala- ja metsätaloustuotteet sekä vastaavat tuotteet (03000000)
EUVL S 160
Sääntely Euroopan yhteisöt
Ilmoitustyyppi Dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän perustamisesta
Osoitetiedot Coillte CGA
Osoite, johon tarjoukset tai osallistumispyynnöt on lähetettävä
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