Advertising and marketing services

Plymouth, Iso-Britannia | University of Plymouth
Julkaistu 5 vuotta sitten | 5.4.2019 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

The University of Plymouth intends to create a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for Advertising and Marketing Services. The DPS will be divided into 2 lots: Lot 1 - Marketing and Student Recruitment Lot 2 - Adhoc advertising for wider University A Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is a recognised procurement method within the UK Public Contract Regulations 2015. It is an electronic system which a contracting authority, for example University of Plymouth can use to procure commonly used goods, works or services. There is no specific maximum duration for a DPS to run, however the University of Plymouth are wishing to set up the DPS for 10 years from point of OJEU notice. The Lots are open to any operator to join at any time, upon satisfying the Selection Criteria. More information is available at:



Ilmoitusnumero 159894-2019
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Mainosmateriaali (22462000), Mainonta- ja markkinointipalvelut (79340000), Mainontapalvelut (79341000), Mainonnan hoito (79341200), Mainoskampanjapalvelut (79341400), Työhönottopalvelut (79600000)
Sääntely Euroopan yhteisöt ja GPA-maat
Ilmoitustyyppi Dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän perustamisesta
Osoitetiedot University of Plymouth
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