The competition is for the delivery of office supplies, framework agreement.
The contracting authority also has an option for the hire of coffee machines.
The contracting authority is Sirkula IKS. These companies are a part of the INSIGHT waste cooperation.
GLØR IKS is owned by Gausdal, Lillehammer and Øyer municipalities. There are a total of approx. 40,000 inhabitants in the area and GLØR serves 29,000 households.
Sirkula IKS is owned by Hamar, Løten, Ringsaker and Stange municipalities.
Hadeland and Ringerike Avfallsselskap AS (HRA AS) are owned by Gran, Lunner, Jevnaker Ringerike and Hole municipalities.
Horisont Miljøpark IKS (Horisont) is owned by Østre and Vestre Toten, Søndre and Nordre Land and Gjøvik municipalities.
The procurement ́s value is estimated to: NOK 600,000 excluding VAT per annum. The maximum value for the entire contract period, including any options and expected price rise: NOK 4,000,000 excluding VAT. The need is uncertain. The volume can vary both up and down and the contract period will depend on, among other things, the contracting authority ́s needs, activities, budgetary situations and other framework factors.
See the procurement documents for further information.
Ilmoitusnumero | 676651-2024 |
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit | Toimisto- ja atk-laitteet ja -tarvikkeet, lukuun ottamatta kalusteita ja tietokoneohjelmatuotteita (30000000), Erilaiset koneet, laitteet ja tarvikkeet (30190000), Toimistolaitteet lukuun ottamatta kalusteita (30191000) |
EUVL S | 216/2024 |
Ilmoitustyyppi | Hankintailmoitus (tarjouspyyntö) |
Aluekoodi | |
Osoitetiedot |
Sirkula IKS FURNES |
Osoite, johon tarjoukset tai osallistumispyynnöt on lähetettävä | |
Liitteet | |
Lähde | TED |