Avinor AS will, within the near future, announce a negotiated competition after a prior notice in accordance with the Law on Public Procurements and Utilities Regulations part II, for a new framework agreement for Oslo Airport for trade services and minor contract assignments.
The contracting authority invites to a site inspection at Oslo Airport on Monday 11 November from 09:00 to 11:30.
The site inspection includes a tour of OSL, as well as presentation of the tender documentation from Avinor. All interested parties are recommended to meet.
Parallel framework agreements will be signed with two contractors. The framework agreement will run for four years, with an option for 2+2 years. The estimated total value (combined for both contractors) is between NOK 800 million and NOK 960 excluding VAT over an eight year period. The maximum size of the call-offs under the framework agreement will always be the current threshold for building and construction work in accordance with the supply regulations, currently NOK 57.8 million.
As a starting point, the framework agreement will include the disciplines of joinery work, ceiling and system wall work, joinery services and fitting works, parquet works (including surface treatment), masonry, tiling and stone laying work, joint work, painting work, epoxy work, concrete grinding work, core drilling and concrete sawing, wallpapering and coating work, glass and facade work, steel, plate and welding work, fire sealing, roof and membrane work, flashing and guttering work, foliation/ building profiling, building cleaning and RTB work, scaffolding work, concrete work (including form work, ironbinder and cast), ground contractor and excavation work (only on contract assignment), auxiliary work, snow clearing, shawling, moving etc., crane work and lift deliveries.
As a starting point, the framework agreement supplier ranked as no. 1 will be awarded operational assignments and minor project assignments. Major project assignments (contracts) will over time as much value as possible be distributed equally between the two framework agreement suppliers, unless the call-off is awarded in accordance with mini-competition (between the two framework agreement suppliers). The framework agreement also includes, in addition to operational assignments and contract assignments, also consultancy assignments in early phase.
Confirm by Wednesday 6 November to sigurd.pedersen@avinor.no
Participants must apply for a visitor card for OSL. Search: https://eks.avinor.no/no/Form/home/auth/?formCardType=1
Take into account at least two working days treatment time. Log in with Your Bank ID, select the location "Oslo Airport", type "Site inspection", as the basis for the application, and state Anders Blixt, telephone 94017016, as the gender neutral preferred.
Meet at the site inspection at the Main Gate, Edvard Munch ́s road. All participants must go through security control.
Welcome to a pleasant site inspection for an exciting framework agreement for Norway ́s largest airport!
Sigurd Pedersen
Portfolio Manager, Building | Group Procurements
Ilmoitusnumero |
657030-2024 |
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit |
Maalaus- ja lasitustyöt (45440000), Nostureiden vuokraus käyttäjän kanssa (45510000), Nosturit, siirrettävät nostokehykset ja nosturitrukit (42414000), Ajoneuvoihin asennettavat nosturit (42414400), Rakennustyöt (45000000), Rakenneterästyöt (45223210), Kattotyöt ja muut rakennusalan erikoistyöt (45260000), Teräsrakennetyöt (45262400), Tiilimuuraustyöt ja muut muuraustyöt (45262500), Putkityöt (45330000), Kirvesmiehen- ja puusepäntyöt (45422000), Lattiantekotyöt (45432110) |
211/2024 |
Ilmoitustyyppi |
Ennakkoilmoitus julkisesta hankinnasta |
Aluekoodi |
Osoitetiedot |
AVINOR AS Oslo sigurd.pedersen@avinor.no https://ted.europa.eu/en/notice/-/detail/657030-2024 |
Osoite, johon tarjoukset tai osallistumispyynnöt on lähetettävä |
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