B2 Construction work

Moss, Norja | Movar Iks
Julkaistu 1 viikko sitten | 7.11.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

This procurement which is about to be announced is for Contract B2 - Construction work and is an execution contract. The contract includes construction work for the expansion and renovation of "New Fuglevik Treatment Facility".

This contract is the foundation for the future 'New Fuglevik Treatment Facility' and comprises all construction work. The chosen contractor will be in the driver ́s seat for progress and completion of the new facility. Furthermore, a large degree of cooperation and adaptation is expected for our other subsequent contracts in this project, as well as our adjoining project called "Overføringsanlegg Brevik and Kambo to Fuglevik RA", which consists of three contracts.

This contract will include everything from building constructions and facades to internal works, as well as all external work in and above the ground inside the property.
Concrete structures shall be cast for four new large and small process buildings, renovation and alterations to all existing buildings. The existing buildings shall be connected with new buildings. Furthermore a new administration, personnel and visitor building shall be constructed in solid wood construction. All work connected to the development of roads, parking and green areas will also be a part of this contract.

Ilmoitusnumero 680881-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Rakennustyöt (45000000), Talonrakentaminen (45210000), Vesirakennustyöt (45240000), Rakennusten lopputyöt (45400000)
EUVL S 218/2024
Ilmoitustyyppi Ennakkoilmoitus julkisesta hankinnasta
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