Invitation to register for market dialogue for presentation of tonometer.

OSLO, Norja | Oslo Universitetssykehus HF (hovedenhet)
Julkaistu 1 viikko sitten | 6.11.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

Oslo University Hospital is considering to procure 20-30 tonometers for measuring intraocular pressure (IOP) for children and adults. We would therefore like to hold a Market dialogue for presentation of IOP measuring equipment with equipment specific consumables. Presented equipment must be subject to compliance assessment and CE marked as medical equipment and suitable for use in both children and adults in general anaesthesia as well as on waking up patients.

Ilmoitusnumero 678955-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Lääketieteelliset laitteet (33100000), Oftalmologiset välineet (33122000)
EUVL S 217/2024
Ilmoitustyyppi Ennakkoilmoitus julkisesta hankinnasta
Osoitetiedot Oslo Universitetssykehus HF (hovedenhet)
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