Assistance with performance and service testing within security, security and joint services.

Oslo, Norja | Departementenes sikkerhets- og serviceorganisasjon
Julkaistu 1 päivä sitten | 30.10.2024 Määräaika: 1 kuukausi kuluttua | 3.12.2024 12:00 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

When the new government quarter is adopted from 2026, DSS services must be changed to adapt to the new buildings and their use. DSS has carried out extensive planning work connected to business and service testing within the security and security area and within facility services. A plan has thus been prepared that includes all the preparation activities required to provide services of good quality when the first ministries move into the new government quarter. In the planning, methodology is used to train and practice military departments until these are ready to solve the assignment.

In 2025 the plans shall be implemented in practice. This involves further planning and coordination, including the development of detailed plans for exercises, supporting the implementation of exercises and evaluating them. DSS needs assistance for a main resource and several support resources to:

• Detailed planning and coordinating training and exercises internally and with cooperating services.
• Conduct "rehearsals" in the form of compound exercises.

The final delivery deadline for the contract is 1.4.2026.

Ilmoitusnumero 662673-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Julkishallinnon palvelut, maanpuolustus ja sosiaaliturvapalvelut (75000000), Maanpuolustus (75220000), Sotilaallinen maanpuolustus (75221000), Maanpuolustus- ja turvallisuustarvikkeisiin liittyvät koulutuspalvelut (80600000), Sotilaskäyttöön tarkoitettuihin sähköjärjestelmiin liittyvä koulutus ja simulointi (80660000)
EUVL S 213/2024
Ilmoitustyyppi Hankintailmoitus (tarjouspyyntö)
Osoitetiedot Departementenes sikkerhets- og serviceorganisasjon
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