Conservation and Design Services for the Gamekeeper’s Lodge, Coronation Plantation Monument, and Boathouse Site, Wicklow Mountains National Park

Wexford, Irlanti | Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage
Julkaistu 1 päivä sitten | 24.10.2024 Määräaika: 3 viikkoa kuluttua | 14.11.2024 12:00 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

Wicklow Mountains National Park stretches across almost 23,000 hectares south of Dublin. The largest of Ireland’s National Parks and the only one in the east, Wicklow features wide-open vistas, winding mountain roads and fast-flowing streams that descend into the deep lakes of the wooded valleys, including St Kevin’s monastic settlement at Glendalough.While the main focus of the NPWS is on the natural heritage, the service also has responsibility for a large number of buildings, structures, gardens and sites, many of which are of historic interest and architectural heritage value. Some of these structures were previously associated with historic estates, a number of which have been incorporated into our National Parks. The buildings and structures are often located in areas of high ecological and scenic value and as such it is critically important that any repair or adaptation works on these places, or new structures emplaced at these sites, should be carried out to the highest conservation and design standards. Given the natural heritage focused work of the NPWS it is essential that all built heritage and new construction projects in the National Parks ensure that all aspects of the built and natural heritage are identified and sustained properly throughout every project. The environmental footprint of each project needs to be considered – all choices around design, construction, and selection of materials needs to be informed by those that have the lowest environmental impact – wherever possible materials should be repairable or recyclable and/or low carbon choices. In the selection of materials or construction techniques to be used on any of the structures it is critically important that the potential impact on wildlife and the surrounding environment is fully considered before arriving at any final choices or specifications.

Ilmoitusnumero 650929-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Historiallisten muistomerkkien rakennustyöt (45212314), Historiallisesti tai arkkitehtonisesti arvokkaat rakennukset (45212350), Entisöintityöt (45454100), Korjaus- ja huoltopalvelut (50000000), Arkkitehtipalvelut (71200000), Arkkitehtuuria koskevat neuvontapalvelut (71210000), Arkkitehti-, insinööri- ja suunnittelupalvelut (71240000), Rakennustyön valvonta (71247000), Arkkitehti-, insinööri- ja maanmittauspalvelut (71250000), Historiallisten kohteiden ja rakennusten suojelupalvelut (92522000), Historiallisten kohteiden suojelupalvelut (92522100), Historiallisten rakennusten suojelupalvelut (92522200)
EUVL S 209/2024
Ilmoitustyyppi Hankintailmoitus (tarjouspyyntö)
Osoitetiedot Department of Housing Local Government and Heritage
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