Mobile manipulator

Suomi | TeeSe Botnia Oy Ab
Julkaistu 4 viikkoa sitten | 2.10.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

TeeSe Botnia requests tenders concerning a mobile manipulator robot on behalf of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences. TeeSe Botnia requests on behalf of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences for tenders concerning a mobile manipulator robot with the following characteristics: The robot should have built-in capacity (without separate programming required) to move autonomously. The robot should be equipped with comprehensive sensor technology and be able to use certain types of sensor information efficiently to e.g. guide its movements. The mobile robot's charging station must have the possibility of automatic charging, so that fully autonomous working is possible as well. The robot is supposed to use fast network connections (WiFi 2.4GHz, 5G) that guarantee a real-time data transfer. The user should be able to program own applications into the robot and supplement its features with additional functionalities. The robot should have built-in capabilities to perform certain advanced tasks based on high-level programming (hence simple commands to perform complicated activities). It should in addition to this be possible for the user to perform conventional programming to add further capabilities to the robot. A high load-carrying capacity for the mobile robot (over 90 kg) is required, which enables versatile equipment for different purposes.

Ilmoitusnumero 2024-149643
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Teollisuusrobotit (42997300)
Ilmoitustyyppi Oikaisuilmoitus
Aluekoodi FI195
Osoitetiedot TeeSe Botnia Oy Ab
Sorakatu 2-4 65100 Vaasa FI
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