temperature and humidity chamber with a carbon dioxide feed

Suomi | Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
Julkaistu 1 kuukausi sitten | 27.9.2024 Määräaika: Umpeutunut | 15.10.2024 09:00 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) is purchasing a temperature and humidity chamber with a carbon dioxide feed system for the studies of the durability properties of concrete. Equipment will be located in Xamk's research laboratory KymiLabs Research Center, address: Salakuljettajantie 4, 48100 Kotka, Finland. A temperature and humidity chamber with a carbon dioxide feed system is needed for the studies of the durability properties of concrete. A CO2 supply system can be a separate system combined with a cabinet and a gas measurement with a sensor takes place from a climate cabinet. For carbon dioxide, a separate regulator is needed to adjust its amount. The need for a control area is 0-8%. The cabinet is aiming for a constant relative humidity of 60% and a constant temperature of +20 degrees Celsius. Objectives of the acquisition We ask for offers for a temperature and humidity chamber with a carbon dioxide feed system, which will be delivered on site ready for use. The content of the procurement 1. A temperature and humidity chamber with carbon dioxide supply system or a similar product, 1 piece - The weight of the device is less than 1000 kg. - The temperature in the chamber can be adjusted between +10 and +30 degrees Celcius. - The desired operating conditions are +20 degrees Celsius and 60% relative humidity, where the device must be able to operate without freezing. - The floor load capacity of the environmental cabinet is suitable for a working load of 300 kg, with a weight distribution of at least three levels. - The material of the levels of the chamber, and the interior surfaces of the chamber, is stainless steel. - The depth or width of the cabinet shelves is at least 600 mm. The offer must include: - Price including delivery, installation ready for use and user training, excluding VAT (including VAT 0%). - Brochure/description of the product offered and its features. Alternatively, a web address where the brochure of the offered product can be found. - Description of product warranty and maintenance. - Delivery time.

Ilmoitusnumero 2024-149505
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Laboratoriolaitteet, optiset ja tarkkuuslaitteet (lukuun ottamatta silmälaseja) (38000000)
Ilmoitustyyppi Hankintailmoitus (tarjouspyyntö)
Aluekoodi FI1C4
Osoitetiedot Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulu Oy
Patteristonkatu 3 D 50100 Mikkeli FI
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