Wastewater treatment plant construction work

Bijelo Polje, Montenegro | Municipality of Bijelo Polje
Julkaistu 3 kuukautta sitten | 21.2.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

*Short description: This contract includes the design and construction of:|| - the Wastewater Treatment Plant|| - connection to the water supply system|| - connection to the power supply system|| The Contractor is required to design WWTP for the final capacity of 30,000 p.e. (Phase II capacity). The preliminary treatment facilities and the by-pass line shall also be constructed under this Contract for the Phase II capacity, while other facilities (biological and sludge treatment) shall be constructed for Phase I capacity (20,000 p.e.). The wastewater treatment process shall be based on the activated sludge process with nutrients removal and treated effluent disinfection. Sludge treatment shall include sludge pre-thickening, aerobic sludge stabilization and dewatering.|| The Contract will also include the design and construction to the water supply system for an approximate length of 975 m and to the power supply system for an approximate length of 2.000 m



Ilmoitusnumero 106428-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Jätevedenkäsittelylaitosten rakennustyöt (45252127)
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Osoitetiedot Municipality of Bijelo Polje
Bijelo Polje
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