Passenger cars

Salford, Iso-Britannia | NWUPC Ltd
Julkaistu 3 kuukautta sitten | 24.1.2024 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

The Sustainable Fleet Solutions VEH 3137 NW Framework is looking to provide services for|| APUC, CPC, HEPCW, LUPC, NEUPC, NWUPC and SUPC members to facilitate vehicle hire|| (of manual and automatic, petrol and diesel fueled, and or electric powered) over a broad|| option of vehicles up to a maximum hire length of two years (Lot 1). The use of Virtual Fleet|| Car Club Services on an ad hoc basis, the leasing of Onboard Car Club Technology along|| with required support to utilise Member fleet as Car Club vehicles and finally the leasing of|| dedicated Car Club Pool Vehicles (Lot 2). Leasing services with an emphasis on the|| transition to ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEV) (Lot 3) and ULEV Salary Sacrifice Schemes|| (Lot 4).



Ilmoitusnumero 046550-2024
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Henkilöautot (34110000), Vähintään 10-paikkaiset moottoriajoneuvot (34120000), Pakettiautot (34136000), Kevyet pakettiautot (34136100), Umpipakettiautot (34136200), Liike-elämän palvelut: laki, markkinointi, neuvonta, työhönotto, painatus ja turvallisuus (79000000)
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Osoitetiedot NWUPC Ltd
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