Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services

Wicklow, Irlanti | Coillte CGA
Julkaistu 1 vuosi sitten | 9.8.2023 Alkuperäinen ilmoitus

DYNAMIC PURCHASING SYSTEM FOR RECREATION TRAIL CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES 2023 - 2028 PRE-QUALIFICATION QUESTIONNAIRE Recreation Trail and Infrastructure Construction and Maintenance Contracts will involve the supply of suitable machine/plant hire, with driver, for general civil engineering operations, there is also a requirement for manual work elements. Tasks involved may include but are not limited to the following: 1) The construction of new recreation trails including but not limited to; walking, equestrian, multi-access and family friendly cycling trails. 2) Upgrading of existing recreation sites and recreation trails including but not limited to; walking, equestrian, multi-access, family friendly cycling trails and mountain bike trails. 3) Maintenance of existing and new recreation sites and recreation trails including but not limited to; walking, equestrian, multi-access, family friendly cycling trails and mountain bike trails. 4) Preventative trail repair/upgrade in particular but not limited to water management and resurfacing. 5) Surveying where relevant. 6) Culvert and pipe installation. 7) Special construction works to include: bridges, kissing gates, bog bridges, board walks etc. 8) Construction of carparks unbound and bound. 9) Upgrade of car-parking facilities - unbound and bound. 10) Traffic management works in carparks e.g. ramps, bollards etc. 11) Fencing of recreation sites (handrails where applicable) 12) Stone wall work at recreation sites where relevant. 13) Supply and/or installation of recreation furniture e.g., benches, picnic tables. 14) Installation of recreation signage e.g., trail heads, threshold signage, way-mark route markers, advisory signage etc. 15) Installation of natural play areas. 16) Erection of wildlife measures e.g. bat boxes and Owl boxes where relevant.



Ilmoitusnumero 485530-2023
Ilmoitusta kuvaavat CPV-Koodit Arkkitehti-, rakennus-, insinööri- ja tarkastuspalvelut (71000000), Maatalous-, metsätalous-, puutarha-, vesiviljely- ja mehiläistalousalan palvelut (77000000)
EUVL S 152
Sääntely Euroopan yhteisöt
Ilmoitustyyppi Dynaamisen hankintajärjestelmän perustamisesta
Osoitetiedot Coillte CGA
Osoite, johon tarjoukset tai osallistumispyynnöt on lähetettävä
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